About 9th Blog


This is UK-based baseball blog. It is aimed at those new to baseball as learning any new sport is like learning a new language. It is also for those UK fans who stay up until 3AM for the first pitch on the west coast.

This page is also expanding outside of baseball in 2020. The number 1 sport on this page, February to October, is Baseball. But there will be other stuff too. The other sports are IndyCar Series, American Football, & Ice Hockey.

That is a lot of new stuff to be excited about. If you’re interested in writing sport, here would be a great place to start! We’ve had several different writers over the past few years and are always looking for more.

Please visit the ‘Contact and Contribute’ section to learn more!

If you want to submit any content to this page, then go to the contacts page on this site. Any submissions welcome, either for new or experienced fans, either home or MLB stuff.

Rookie Notes: These are side-liners for those new to the sport and the blog. Look at it as a kind of Jargon Buster. In Purple. If you know your RBI’s from your Double Plays then just skip over the purple.

-And in the words of Michael Kay: See Ya!

-Gary // Follow me @baseball9thblog on Twitter